Thursday, April 28, 2016

Worthless Potential

you have such purpose
you're meant for so much
such capability
wait, no don't touch

you're better than that
you're embarrasing me
you've got such potential
why can't you see

we thought you were good enough
thought you had class
thought you had purpose
now get off of your ass

look, he's accomplished
look, she's achieved
look at your uselessness
god, please don't breed

you'll never be good enough
never be free
never be happy
now you'll never be

not fucking worthless
just validate me
you had such purpose

1 comment:

  1. you don't need purpose
    you ARE good enough
    capability rocks
    live! (in the box)

    you're better than none
    none better than you
    why measure potential
    it's not true you

    we are all perfect people
    like dogs or cats
    guilt, you call higher
    leads to the darkness

    be responsible
    for what you do
    and how those actions can
    make others bleed

    forever let go your guilt
    never ashamed
    never apart
    from the god within

    as you are you're perfect
    a creature by plan
    you don't need purpose
